Mission I 2020- 特別企画展 with COVID-19 -
2020.10.19.Mon - 10.24.Sat
*10.24.Sat until 17:00
大塚 咲 小野寺 直彦 河合 正太郎 粂田 元子 桑山 真弓 神保 千絵 ドル 萌々子 中村 成二 中村 由起子 東田 理恵子 堀 昌子 よしもりむつこ ラプランテ麻帆 李 亭

本展は、GALLERY ART POINT選抜によるアーティスト達の自由で多種多様な表現作品を通じ、COVID-19と共存していく社会の中におけるアートの役割と使命(Mission)について考察したいと考えております。
The global spread of the COVID-19 has drastically changed our lives, economy and culture.
Instead of canceling or postponing exhibitions and art fairs, people are looking for ways to use online and virtual reality as a new platform to present their work.
In a society that coexists with COVID-19, we may need to reconsider what the role and mission of art is. With a flexible perspective, each artist should take a fresh look at the importance of communicating through art and the relationship between them, and the importance of transmitting messages to the outside world through their work may be challenged now.
In this exhibition, we would like to consider the role and mission of art in the society coexisting with COVID-19 through the free and diverse works of artists selected by ART POINT. We also hope that this exhibition will help the artists to communicate with each other and with the visitors to the exhibition, which will contribute to their creative activities.
This exhibition will be held in conjunction with Mission II, which will be held at our gallery bis space.

また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839