島田 裕美子 - Geographical Analysis -
2019.6.10.Mon - 6.15.Sat
12:00 - 19:00
6.15.Sat. until 17:00

Yumiko Shimada has background in architecture and urban planning, and produce artworks in her unique method of recreating with suggestions from field work and literature research.
In this exhibition, she creates artworks based on analysis data at the time of earthquake disaster and aerial photo data before and after the disaster. It is an installation expression that resembles the entire wall surface as the topography of that time.
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839