おじま りゑRie OJIMA
2025.04.10.Thu - 04.12.Sat
*4.12.Sat until 17:00

Ojimariue creates works centered around the theme of living with plants. Her identity as a woman and a mother serves as the origin of her creative process. Just as women throughout history have cultivated their lives through ingenuity and creativity, Ojima's works emerge from the extension of daily life. By focusing on plants in everyday landscapes, she expresses the relationship between humans and plants, and further develops her work into explorations of the interconnections between the past and the present, or between oneself and others’ lives. Her techniques are rooted in Japanese art forms that are close to everyday life and include craft elements, and she mainly works with natural materials that are readily available in her surroundings.
This exhibition is themed "A Life Born from Longing." Ginza, a place that has always been filled with people's desires, serves as the backdrop for this theme. In particular, the history of coffee culture in Ginza, which has developed over time, continues to support the everyday lives of those who drink coffee. The exhibition also includes works inspired by the Sakura-gawa Coffee Project, born from a longing for coffee cultivation in her hometown of Ibaraki. Through these pieces, the exhibition highlights the intersection of coffee culture from different time periods and locations. Additionally, the street trees planted in the artificial landfill of Ginza evoke a longing for nature. By displaying a series of these trees alongside works that depict the relationship between urban life and nature, the exhibition presents a multi-faceted perspective, recreating scenes and the lives that unfold beyond them.
1995 ボストン大学人文科学科卒 美術史専攻
2020 茨城県美術展覧会 奨励賞
2022 水戸市美術展覧会 茨城新聞社賞
2023 上野の森美術館大賞展入選
水戸市美術展覧会 水戸市長賞
守谷市美術作家 推挙
2024 Art Complex Center of Tokyo Novae 展 審査員賞
2024 もりりん中央ギャラリー
グループ展 多数
Residence: Ibaraki Prefecture
1995: Graduated from Boston University with a major in Art History, College of Arts and Sciences
2020: Encouragement Award, Ibaraki Prefecture Art Exhibition
2022: Ibaraki Shimbun Award, Mito City Art Exhibition
2023: Selected for Ueno no Mori Museum Grand Prize Exhibition
Mito City Mayor’s Award, Mito City Art Exhibition
Nominated as an Artist from Moriya City
2024: Jury Award, Novae Exhibition, Art Complex Center of Tokyo
Solo Exhibition:
2024: Moririn Chuo Gallery
Group Exhibitions: Numerous
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839