群馬 直美- Gunma Naomi -

2024.10.08.Tue - 10.12.Sat
*10.12.Sat until 17:00

そんな葉画家・群馬直美が、今展覧会では純粋視覚領域から飛び出し、隣家の子供が怖がって泣いた表現の世界に舞い戻り、葉っぱの絵に新たな息吹を吹き込む。具体的には、これまで作品の脇役であったキャプションに光を当てる。群馬の書いた線画イラストや文章が大画面のマステドローイング作品となり、繊細で静謐な葉っぱの絵とともに『この世に生を受け生まれ出た人間が出会った小さき命の輝き』を鑑賞者の内に刻印する。英国王立園芸協会主催 RHS London Botanical Art and Photography Show 2019で、ゴールドメダル及び最高賞を受賞した『神の仕業ー下仁田ネギの一生ー』の六枚組の作品も出品予定である。  
Naomi Gunma calls herself a leaf painter and continues to paint pictures of leaves.
When Gunma was a student at an art school, she created a work called “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World.” She was shocked when a child from the house next door saw it and was frightened and cried, and she began to doubt her own senses. Whenever she felt something, a voice in her head would say, “Is that really true?” and she was unable to create anything. What saved Gunma from this situation was the beauty and vitality of the shining new green leaves that sprouted on dead branches in the early spring sunlight. From that day on, Gunma began creating works with the theme of “leaves.” After ten years of groping in the dark, the words “Everything in this world has the same value and is a shining existence” took root in Gunma’s heart. Inspired by this “spirit of leaves,” she has lovingly painted natural objects that are close to our feet, such as a single leaf, a single acorn, a withered flower, a winter bud, etc., for over thirty years.
Gunma paints “at full size, exactly as she sees it.” It’s easy to say in one word. Gunma focuses his eyes on the tiny insect bite marks on the leaves that have been eaten by insects. He holds his breath as he watches the subtle discoloration and asks himself, “How should I paint this?” as he paints. His answer is always, “I paint what I see.” It’s very primitive, but he says, “That’s the only way.” He doesn’t just paint the jagged edges of the leaves roughly, but counts them carefully, visiting each and every jagged shape, and “draws by looking.” Gunma’s paintings, which he paints in this way with meticulous fidelity, always include notes such as the date of completion, when and where he collected the leaves, or who gave them to him. If Gunma hadn’t painted them, the leaves would have vanished without ever making it to the public eye. It’s proof of the existence of a single leaf, and perhaps it’s proof of Gunma’s own existence.
In this exhibition, Gunma Naomi, a leaf artist, will step out of the purely visual realm, return to the world of expression that frightened the child next door into tears, and breathe new life into her leaf paintings. Specifically, she will shine a spotlight on the captions that have played a supporting role in her works up until now. Gunma’s line drawings and texts will be transformed into large-scale print drawings, and together with her delicate and tranquil leaf paintings, they will imprint in the viewer’s mind “the brilliance of the small lives that humans encounter when they are born into this world.” A set of six pieces, “God’s Work – The Life of Shimonita Leeks,” which won the Gold Medal and the highest award at the RHS London Botanical Art and Photography Show 2019, organized by the Royal Horticultural Society, will also be exhibited.

また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。

問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.

Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839