日向 一夫Kazuo Hyuga
*2.15.Sat until 17:00

Kazuo Hyuga, a Japanese painter, creates works that blend the traditional beauty of Japanese painting with a playful touch and a refined sense of irony within their charm and beauty. By merging traditional techniques with contemporary art, Hyuga captures everyday moments from a unique perspective. The exhibition focuses on the theme of "time (life and death)" and primarily explores religious and philosophical views on life and death.
1999/04 嵯峨美術短期大学日本画科 卒業
1999/05 日仏現代作家展 入選
2012/05 第三十回上野の森美術館大賞展 入選
2012/10 第一回東京装画賞2012 入選
2013/08 第二回東京装画賞2013 入選
2013/11 第二回損保ジャパン美術賞 FACE 2014 入選
2015/08 企画展 『三蔵法師 玄奘
2016/12 創設60周年『シェル美術賞2016』 入選
2019/08 Seed 山種美術館日本画アワード2019 入選
2020/09 企画展Inscape Ⅳ 2020』/ArtPoint(東京)
2020/10 聖徳太子像・聖徳太子絵伝 修理完成記念
2021/06 クラウドファンディング御礼企画【同時代展
2021/04 企画展『玉響Ⅰ』/ArtPoint(東京)
2022/01 企画展『 同時代ギャラリーコレクション展』/同時代ギャラリー(京都)
2022/04 企画展『うたかたⅠ』/ArtPoint(東京)
2024/01 企画展『Preface|2024』/ArtPoint(東京)
April 1999: Graduated from the Japanese Painting Department, Saga Junior College of Art.
May 1999: Selected for the Japan-France Contemporary Artists Exhibition.
May 2012: Finalist in the 30th Uenomori Museum Grand Prize Exhibition.
October 2012: Finalist in the 1st Tokyo Illustration Award 2012.
August 2013: Finalist in the 2nd Tokyo Illustration Award 2013.
November 2013: Finalist in the 2nd Sonpo Japan Art Award FACE 2014.
August 2015: Created illustrations for the special exhibition “Xuanzang: The Pilgrimage of a Lifetime” at the Ryukoku Museum (Kyoto).
December 2016: Finalist in the 60th Anniversary Shell Art Award 2016.
August 2019: Finalist in Seed: Yamatane Museum of Art Nihonga Award 2019.
September 2020: Participated in the special exhibition Inscape IV 2020 at ArtPoint (Tokyo).
October 2020: Created illustrations for the special exhibition and catalog for “Prince Shōtoku: A Tale that Connects Time and Space” at the Nakanoshima Kosetsu Museum of Art (Osaka).
June 2021: Participated in the crowdfunding gratitude exhibition Contemporary Exhibition – Encountering Creativity– at the Dohjidai Gallery (Kyoto).
April 2021: Participated in the exhibition Tamayura I at ArtPoint (Tokyo).
January 2022: Participated in the Contemporary Gallery Collection Exhibition at the Dohjidai Gallery (Kyoto).
April 2022: Participated in the exhibition Utakata I at ArtPoint (Tokyo).
January 2024: Participating in the exhibition Preface|2024 at ArtPoint (Tokyo).
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839