瀬口 真梨奈Marina Seguchi
*11.23.Sat until 17:00

瀨口 真梨奈
瀬口が奮闘する不安定な感情とは、 恥と謙虚で覆われた思いの中にある、轟々と燃え続ける激しい感情であり、 他人にとっては取るに足らないことであっても、自分の中では留まり続ける過大な痛みのことなのです。
また今年は瀬口にとって、絵を描き続けて10年、 同テーマで制作を続けて5年となります。
2018年 グループ展「第4回石本正日本画大賞展」 浜田市立石生美術館(島根)
2020年 グループ展「Inscape Ⅳ-うちなる眺め-」GALLERY ART POINT (東京)
2021年 グループ展「1080<九州産業大学 日本画在学生+展>」 UNPEL GALLERY(東京)
グループ展「禁色 - Forbidden Colour - 」GALLERY ART POINT (東京)
2022年 グループ展「錦 繍 - KINSHU -」GALLERY ART POINT (東京)
2023年 グループ展「” Next 2023 ”展」GALLERY ART POINT (東京)
2024年 個展「瀬口真梨奈Web個展『メタモルフォーゼ』」(WEB)
2018年 第4回石本正日本画大賞展 入選
2019年 第51回福岡市美術展 奨励賞
Marina Seguchi
Marina Seguchi draws inspiration from her ever-evolving desire to "become someone," a yearning for transformation, which is the core of her theme, "Transformation Scenes × Self-Portraits."
She casts a critical and objective gaze upon herself, confronting her inner self, and expresses this introspection through her artwork. Although Seguchi predominantly employs traditional Japanese painting materials such as mineral pigments, shell white pigments, and gold leaf, she freely integrates acrylic paints, water-based markers, and even cosmetics, transcending boundaries to craft her own unique style.
Her color palette is bold and striking, while the delicate lines and abstract, ambiguous forms incorporated into her motifs express the unstable emotions she carries within. These unstable emotions Seguchi wrestles with are fierce, burning feelings cloaked in shame and modesty—seemingly insignificant to others but deeply painful and ever-present within herself.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of her painting career and five years of working on the same theme. Her current exhibition is the culmination—or "humiliating finale"—of this journey. Through 12 pieces, she invites you to witness the dark, underlying emotions of Marina Seguchi, an individual.
● Exhibitions
2018: Group Exhibition "4th Sho Ishimoto Japanese Painting Award Exhibition," Hamada City Ishimoto Museum of Art (Shimane)
2020: Group Exhibition "Inscape IV – Inner Views," GALLERY ART POINT (Tokyo)
2021: Group Exhibition "1080 " UNPEL GALLERY (Tokyo)
Group Exhibition "Forbidden Colour" GALLERY ART POINT (Tokyo)
2022: Group Exhibition "KINSHU - Brocade and Embroidery," GALLERY ART POINT (Tokyo)
2023: Group Exhibition "Next 2023," GALLERY ART POINT (Tokyo)
2024: Solo Exhibition "Marina Seguchi Web Exhibition 'Metamorphose'" (WEB)
● Awards
2018: Finalist at the 4th Sho Ishimoto Japanese Painting Award Exhibition
2019: Encouragement Award at the 51st Fukuoka City Art Exhibition
As a child, I admired magical girls and now create self-portraits that reference transformation scenes from anime and other media.
Every day, I reflect on what I want to do and the kind of person I want to become, confronting my emotions and translating them into themes. My ongoing desire to become someone else, like the magical girls I once admired, still drives me today. As I struggle with the gap between myself and others, I explore my existence—the "me" fighting through that stress—and depict myself, attempting to change amidst this struggle, through the metaphor of transformation scenes.
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839