白神 政史
Time Condensation through Long Exposure
Photographer Masafumi Shirakami still clearly remembers the dream-like time embraced by the sea of light while lying on the ground of a civic stadium as a child. Somewhere down the line, he began to travel with his camera and tripod around various seas of light. At first, he was absorbed in releasing, but at some point he felt different, as if something was missing.
He considers that a few photographic expressions are not as inspiring as the condensation of time by a long exposure. Things that are stationary only exist peacefully, and moving objects change their form intensely. A lump of iron is gently distorted like molten wax, and the ungraspable light records its trajectory as if it demonstrates momentary presence. By applying an artificial blur during exposure, a stationary body becomes a moving one in relation. In addition if a dimension-restricted blur is applied to the moving body, it turns into a complex transfiguration that transcends human perception. Occasionally, a thick bunch of trees grows like ancient conifers, the heartbeat of the fetus floating in amniotic fluid overlaps with the hippocampus synapse, and like a meteor wandering in the sea of light a submarine carrier looms over a deep sea.
By infinitely interweaving macroscopic and microscopic spins, viewers ask themselves questions about life before they know it.

- 1975年 東京都生まれ
1999年 明星大学大学院理工学研究科卒業
2001年 デジタルハリウッドVFXクリエイター専攻卒業
2009年 渡部さとるワークショップ2B27期卒業
- 【個展】
- 2008年 「夏雲汐-南国の煌き-」(海老名)
2011年 「光海」(銀座ニコンサロン)
2012年 「光海」(銀座ART FOR THOUGHT)
2014年 「写真立体」(世田谷美術館)
2017年 「境界面」(銀座ART FOR THOUGHT)
2018年 「光海 Vol.3」(銀座 GALLERY b.TOKYO) - 【グループ展】
- 2019年 第17回NAU21世紀美術連立展(六本木国立新美術館)
2019年 感覚とは何か(札幌HOKUBU記念絵画館)
2019年 Artexpo New York(ニューヨーク・北井画廊)
2019年 Spectrum 2019(銀座・GALLERY ART POINT)
- 【受賞歴】
- 2017年 アートオリンピア入賞
- 1975 Born in Tokyo
1999 Graduated from The Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Meisei University
2001 Graduated from VFX Creator Major, Digital Hollywood (vocational school)
2009 The 27th batch of students at Satoru Watabe Photography Workshop 2B
- 【Solo Exhibition】
- 2008 "Summer Clouds and Tide - Glow of the southern country -" in Ebina
2011 "Sea of Light" at Nikon Salon in Ginza
2012 "Sea of Light" at ART FOR THOUGHT in Ginza
2014 "3D Photo" at Setagaya Art Museum
2017 "Boundary Phase" at ART FOR THOUGHT in Ginza
2018 "Sea of Light Vol.3" at GALLERY b.TOKYO in Ginza - 【Group Exhibition】
- 2019 New Artist Unit Exhibition at The National Art Center in Roppongi
2019 "What is Sense?" at HOKUBU Memorial Art Gallery in Sapporo
2019 Artexpo New York (Gallery KITAI) in New York
2019 "Spectrum 2019" at GALLERY ART POINT in Ginza
- 【Awards】
- 2017 placed at Art Olyimpia
光海2018-1353 Sea of Light 2018-1353
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2018
¥420,000 + tax SOLD OUT -
写真立体2015-9669 3D photo 2015-9669
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1280 x H 853 mm
- Year : 2015
¥420,000 + tax -
光海2009-0561 Sea of Light 2009-0561
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2009
¥420,000 + tax -
光海2009-0452 Sea of Light 2009-0452
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2009
¥420,000 + tax -
写真立体2015-9843 3D photo 2015-9843
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1280 x H 853 mm
- Year : 2015
¥420,000 + tax -
写真立体2009-6130 3D photo 2009-6130
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 300 x H 300 mm
- Year : 2009
¥ + tax SOLD OUT -
光海2009-7071 Sea of Light 2009-7071
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2009
¥420,000 + tax -
光海2009-4667 Sea of Light 2009-4667
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2009
¥420,000 + tax -
光海2011-0030 Sea of Light 2011-0030
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2011
¥420,000 + tax -
光海2012-4530 Sea of Light 2012-4530
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1000 x H 1000 mm
- Year : 2012
¥420,000 + tax -
写真立体2009-2866 3D photo 2009-2866
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 300 x H 300 mm
- Year : 2009
¥ + tax SOLD OUT -
写真立体2010-1031 3D photo 2010-1031
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1280 x H 853 mm
- Year : 2010
¥420,000 + tax -
写真立体2015-9304 3D photo 2015-9304
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1280 x H 853 mm
- Year : 2015
¥420,000 + tax -
写真立体2012-4667 3D photo 2012-4667
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 300 x H 300 mm
- Year : 2012
¥ + tax SOLD OUT -
写真立体2015-9408 3D photo 2015-9408
- Material : Acrylic
- Size : W 1280 x H 853 mm
- Year : 2015
¥420,000 + tax
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839