“What is the border between sacred and profane?”
With interests in religious symbolism and ethnology, Taki KITADA engages herself in this question through her paintings.
Sacred and profane, often regarded as contradictory terms with each other, always have an evolving meaning depending on the time and place. For instance, regardless of its religious origin, some medieval paintings give us sense of grotesque and gory feeling. We can sense a feeling of awe and beauty in today’s industrial landscapes even though its regarded as symbol of materialistic world. Sense of sacred and profane can vary depending on the context of viewers, whether in cultural and historical background.
Taki KITADA explores how to interpret sacred and profane in the context of contemporary Japanese society. Her paintings often apply opposing stylistic and conceptual elements: modern and traditional, spiritual and materialistic, folklore and industrial, linear and solid. In her paintings, mythological characters and symbols are coexisting with industrial machinery in vivid color stream. Such chaotic view echoes with today’s Japan, where materialism and technology has been cultural mainstream, while people keen to go to shrines and temples as entertainment and leisure. Through juxtaposing, or even harmonizing contrary elements on visual imagery, Taki KITADA aims to see transformation of meaning in each element from where she stands.

- 1988 東京都世田谷区出身
- 2010 ウルバーハンプトン大学美術科交換留学修業
- 2011 津田塾大学学芸学部卒業
- 2013 セントラル・セント・マーティン・カレッジオブアーツ ファインアート修士号取得
- 【個展】
- 【主なグループ展】
- 2014「光陽展」東京都美術館(上野)
- 2015「私の世界展」ミレージャギャラリー(銀座)
- 2016「TURNER AWARD 2015入選者展」TURNER GALLERY(東長崎)
- 2017「Art Point Selection 展」ギャラリーアートポイント(銀座)
- 2019「Scopes-それぞれの視点 展」ギャラリーアートポイント(銀座)
- 1988 Born in Japan, Tokyo
- 2010 Graduated from Tsuda College, Department of International and Cultural Studies
- 2013 Graduated from Central Saint Martin College of Art, MA Fine Art
- 【Solo Exhibition】
- 【Group Exhibition】
- 2014 ‘Koh-You-exhibition’ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Ueno)
- 2015 ‘My Inner World’ Mireya Gallery (Ginza)
- 2016 ‘Turner Award 2015 Exhibition (Higashi-Nagasaki)
- 2017 ‘Art Point Selection’ Gallery ART POINT (Ginza)
- 2019 “Scopes” Gallery ART POINT (Ginza)
Urban Mythology Urban Mythology
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 1350 x H 900 mm
- Year: 2014
¥210,000 + tax -
Warmhole Warmhole
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 720 x H 600 mm
- Year: 2015
¥100,000 + tax -
On-None Island On-None Island
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 720 x H 600 mm
- Year: 2015
¥100,000 + tax -
My Local Chaos Water My Local Chaos Water
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 530 x H 450 mm
- Year: 2016
¥60,000 + tax -
起きる必要なんてありません There is no need to wake up
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 720 x H 1000 mm
- Year: 2017
¥150,000 + tax -
重力波は歌う Gravity waves sing
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 300 x H 400 mm
- Year: 2017
¥50,000 + tax -
Perfume Garden Perfume Garden
- Material:アクリル絵具
- Size: W 300 x H 400 mm
- Year: 2017
¥50,000 + tax -
バイナリーの干潮 Low tide of Binary
- Material:水彩、ペン、ミックスメディア
- Size: W 540 x H 370 mm
- Year: 2019
¥60,000 + tax -
さよならの0次谷 Goodbye–zero-order basin
- Material:水彩・ミックスメディア
- Size: W 37 x H 53 mm
- Year: 2020
¥60,000 + tax -
秋の重 Layered autumn
- Material:水彩・ミックスメディア
- Size: W 37 x H 53 mm
- Year: 2020
¥60,000 + tax
また、実際に作品をご覧になりたい方は、作品により画廊にてご覧いただくこともできます。 ご希望の際は事前に御連絡ください。
問い合わせ先 (担当:吉村 義彦)
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(★は@に置き換えてください)
Tel : 03-6228-6839
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.
Contact : Yoshihiko Yoshimura
Mail : yy.artpoint★gmail.com(Please change ★ to @)
Tel : 03-6228-6839